Homoparental family: legal advice
Since law n° 2013-404 of April 23, 2013 promulgated on May 17, 2013 known as the “Marriage for All Law”, same-sex marriage is now permitted in France, like in other foreign countries.
Same-sex couples can therefore marry in the same way as heterosexual couples, marriage entailing between the spouses the same patrimonial and extra-patrimonial consequences within the meaning of the Civil Code.
Just as marriage is open to same-sex couples, so is divorce.
The law also opened adoption to same-sex couples.
More recently, legislative advances have opened medically assisted procreation (PMA) to female couples (Law No. 2021-1017 of August 2, 2021 on bioethics).
The law relating to homoparental family law is in full development and in perpetual evolution.
Your lawyer for the LGBTQIA+ community in Paris will be able to advise you best in view of legislative developments.
Maitre Mayer intervenes in all the courts of Ile de France such as Nanterre, Créteil or even Bobigny, Meaux, Melun, Fontainebleau, Evry, Sens, Auxerre and throughout France with an applicant.

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